Tuesday, August 21, 2012

DIY Chalkboard Wine Glasses

My first official blog post! I have just recently started "diy-ing" ?? haha! I really enjoy making things myself and because I'm such a cheapie I like to do it on a budget :) who doesn't like saving money right!? Anyways I started using pinterest (as many people have) and I love all the amazing ideas people come up with! I had been planning my step-sisters baby shower and needed gifts and prizes to send home with the gifts.  I decided I would (try!) to make chalkboard wine glasses which I had seen a few different times on pinterest.  I was on a budget though so I wanted to do it for cheap! I went to the dollar store and bought wine glasses for a buck a piece.  I ended up buying a can of chalkboard paint at the hardware store for just under 10 bucks.  I had seen on pinterest one idea of dipping the bottoms of the wine glass into a bowl of the chalkboard paint.  However, the paint was super goopy and thick so I thouhgt it would be easier to tape off the stem of the glass and paint it instead! This method was super easy, I definitely recommend it! After letting the glasses dry I took the tape off and there was a perfect line! I threw a couple pieces of chalk in the glasses and wrapped them up in some clear cellophane paper with a pretty bow! I also made tags that said chalkboard wine glasses on them out of some scrapbooking paper I had lying around. Unfortunately I forgot to take a picture of the tags (oops!). The glasses turned out great and they were a BIG hit at the shower!!!
Check out the pictures below :)

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